Culinary Claims, the Greenhouse Environmental Humanities Book Talk Series, March 24, 2025, Online
Sensing Species, Writing Worlds with Maya Hey at the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) 2025 Conference “Unwriting,” University of Aberdeen, June 3–6, 2025, Aberdeen, Scotland
Cooking the Books: A Culinary Conversation about Archives, Climate Histories, and Canned Futures with Penelope Volinia and Philine Schiller at the European Society for Environmental History 2025 “Climate Histories” Conference, Uppsala University, August 19–22, 2025, Uppsala, Sweden
Rock, Fish, and Futures at the 46th Annual Conference of the Canadian Studies Association in German-speaking Countries: “The North,” February 26–March 1, 2025, Berlin, Germany
Fresh Fish and Old Salt at the “Food System Temporalities” Conference, University of Cambridge, January 9–10, 2025, Cambridge, England
A Line on the Tongue at the Culture & International History VII Conference “Uncertain Boundaries in International History,” Freie Universität Berlin, December 12–14, 2024, Berlin, Germany
Codscapes, Found & Lost at the Culinaria Research Centre, University of Toronto, October 23, 2024, Toronto, Canada
Fishery Food Circle with Timothy Charles, Jason Murphy, and Fogo Island growers and fishers at “Shore Time,” Fogo Island Arts, September 27, 2024, Newfoundland, Canada
Storying Salicornia: Cuisines, Coastlines, and Salty Futures with Anna Antonova at the 4th Congress of Environmental History, University of Oulu, August 19–23, 2024, Oulu, Finland
Atlantic Appetites: A Culinary Conversation with L. Sasha Gora and Rafram Chaddad at the “Water & Sound Festival der Kulturen,” August 2, 2024, Augsburg, Germany
Tuna Troubles at EASA (the European Association of Social Anthropologists) 2024 Conference: “Doing and Undoing with Anthropology,” University of Barcelona, July 23–26, 2024, Barcelona, Spain
Caribbean Turtles, Spanish Sherry, and the Paradoxes of British Imperial Fare at the Umbra Institute’s “Food and Hybridity” Biennial Conference, June 13–16, 2024, Perugia, Italy
From Common to Can: The Rise and Fall of Global Tuna at the 2024 AFHVS–ASFS Conference “Rights to Food, Food as Commons” Syracuse University, June 5–8, 2024, Syracuse, United States
Codscapes and Culinary Knots at the Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, 20 May 2024, Stockholm, Sweden
The Oyster that Got Away at the “Images, Sound, and Performance As Ways of Knowing” Workshop, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, March 4–8, 2023, Venice, Italy
Notes On Wine and Settler Colonialism, On Territory and Indigenous Land at the “Wine, Place, and Space: Global Geographies of Wine Cultivation, Production, and Consumption” Workshop, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, February 22–23, 2024, Eichstätt, Germany
A Cuisine and its Formulas: Recipes, Time, and Culinary Ghosts Guest Seminar at the University of Gastronomic Sciences, February 8–9, 2024, Pollenzo, Italy
To Steal a Fish: Cod Tales and Colonial Knots at the “Stories Come to Matter: Water, Food, and Other Entanglements” Conference, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, December 4–5, 2023, Venice, Italy
Old Salt and Fresh Fish: Introducing the Culinary Environmental Humanities at The Green Hour, the University of Augsburg, October 26, 2023, Augsburg, Germany
Streams and Floods, Ripples and Flows: Towards A Bluer Humanities at the “Water Cultures / Cultures de l’Eau” Workshop at the University of Augsburg, October 5–7, 2023, Augsburg, Germany
“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”: Rewriting Canadian Colonial History at the 2019 Toronto Biennale as part of the “Art as Public History Panel” together with Egemen Özbek, Marissa Petrou, and Fateme Rezai at the Virtual National Council for Public History Conference “To Be Continued,” October 4–6, 2023, Atlanta, Georgia (online)
Turtle Soup: The Ghost of Appetites Past at the “Extinction, Endangerment, and Environmental Storytelling” Workshop at the University of Stavanger, September 13–14, 2023, Stavanger, Norway
Pits, Scars, and Swimming Holes at the “Misplacing Matter? Vertical Practices and (Hi)stories of Space and Power” Workshop at the University of Augsburg, September 6–8, Augsburg, Germany
“Making Fish”: Recipes and the Construction of Culinary Geography at Towards a Food Atlas, NO-CITY Summer School, Università Iuav di Venezia, August 30, 2023, Venice, Italy
Best Before: Time and Other Ingredients at the Lifetimes Conference, University of Oslo, August 9–11, 2023, Oslo, Norway
What to Eat in Times of Perpetual Crisis Workshop with Anca Benera and Arnold Estefán, der Neue Berliner Kunstverein, June 29, 2023, Berlin, Germany
Virtual Round Table: Chefs as Drivers of Sustainability at the Association for the Study of Food and Society’s Conference “Knowing Food,” May 31, 2023, Boston, USA (online)
Eating Ecologies: Preface to a Picnic Workshop at the Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, May 31, 2023, Oslo, Norway
Cod and its Oil, Cuisine and its Supplements at the “Global Fat Resources: Connecting Themes, Approaches and Narratives, ca. 1850–2022” Workshop, University of Bergen, May 23–24, 2023, Bergen, Norway
Eating with the Trouble: Cuisine, Culture, Climate, and the Future of Food at the “Food, Energy, Water, Migration Nexus and SDGS” Round table, Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile, May 17, 2023, Rome, Italy (online)
Baked Alaska: Culinary Borders and Muktuk in the North American Arctic at the “Food and Body in Colonial Contexts in Pre-modern Times (1600–1900)” Workshop, Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung (IOS), May 4–6, 2023, Regensburg, Germany
Cooking in Circles at the “International Symposium: Circularity,” Seoul National University, Institute for Culture and Arts, March 3, 2023, Seoul, the Republic of Korea
Appetites and Other Ghosts, ColloKWlum, das Kulturwissenschaftliche Institut Essen, January 25, 2023, Essen, Germany
Down the Wrong Way: Toward an Environmental History of Cuisine as part of Wheatscapes and Culinary Ghosts, Delfina Foundation, December 14, 2022, London, England
Polyphonic Bodies II with Erin Li and Songsoo Kim, Asymmetry Art Foundation, December 10, 2022, London, England
Salt Stains: Appetite and Extinction, The Delfina Sessions, Radio Alhara, October 18, 2022
Where is the Planetary? Haus der Kulturen der Welt, October 14–16, 2022, Berlin, Germany
A Cuisine of its Own: Culinary Colonialism in Canada, Food History Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, October 6, 2022, London, England (online)
Kiss the Cod: Cuisine and Crisis at the “After the Crisis? Rethinking Processes and Potentials of Change in Environment and Society” Methodological Workshop, the Rachel Carson Center in cooperation with the University of Heidelberg, July 22–23, 2022, Munich, Germany
Unbordering a Movement: Indigenous Chefs and State Lines at Umbra’s Biennial Conference on Food, Sustainability, & Environment, June 9–12, 2022, Perugia, Italy
“The Bitter Taste of Extinction”: Writing the Environmental Crisis Through Food at the American Society for Environmental History 2022 Conference, March 23–27, 2022, Eugene, Oregon, USA
A Seat at the Table: Food in America and American Food in the World, Atlantische Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz, January 26, 2022, Kaiserslautern, Germany (online)
Off the Menu: Appetites, Culture, and Environment, ColloKWlum, das Kulturwissenschaftliche Institut Essen, January 19, 2022, Essen, Germany (online)
Venice is Leaking: Interventions in the Lagoon-City Continuum, Anthropocene Campus Venice, October 11–16, 2021, Venice, Italy (co-organizer)
Planting a Menu: An Edible Essay at “STREAMS: Transformative Environmental Humanities” at KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory, August 3–6, 2021, Stockholm, Sweden (online)
Culinary Conflicts: Memory, Indigenous Restaurants, and Cultural Encounters at the Memory Studies Association Annual Conference, “Convergences,” July 5–9, 2021, University of Warsaw, Poland (online)
Venetian Water Colours as part of “Un/known Urban Natures” at the Urban Environments Initiative Conference, “Irritations and Unforeseen Consequences of the Urban,” June 30–July 2, 2021, Rachel Carson Center for Environment & Society, Munich, Germany (online)
Ciacoe in Tocio: Ideas, Conversations, and Sauces for Eating with the Lagoon at OCEAN SPACE, Venice, June 20, 2021
The Tourist Trap: Culinary Imaginations of Venice at the Association for the Study of Food and Society’s Conference, “Just Food—because it is never just food,” June 9–15, 2021 (online)
Happy as a Clam: Clichés, Climate, and Cuisine, the Environmental Humanities and Lecture Series V at the Humanities & Social Change Center at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, May 28, 2021 (online)
“Sad ol’ mush’”: The Poetics and Politics of Porridge in Residential Schools in Canada at “Food and/in Children’s Culture: National, International and Transnational Perspectives,” April 6–9, 2021, at Università Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy (online)