It is a great joy that I will return to London in December for the final month of Season 5 of Delfina Foundation’s Politics of Food programme. And it is even more of a joy to collaborate with Delfina resident & Asymmetry Curatorial Fellow Erin Li and chef SongSoo Kim on an event at Asymmetry Art Foundation on Sunday 10 December.
Playing with forms of hospitality and co-existence, this communal tasting aims to nurture a curious yet welcoming social situation that breaks down the boundaries and conventions of the collective meal – which is to say a script of courses, a hierarchy of seating, and a repertoire of flavours organised according to national allegiances.
Polyphonic Bodies II instead serves an edible landscape and invites visitors to graze, “forage”, and freely combine bites, the process of which catalyses connections and conversations related to biodiversity, cultural plurality, the climate crisis, and the generosity of the bacteria that choreographs good health and pleasure.
Tickets are free and available here. This curated tasting is in dialogue with Erin Li’s Polyphonic Bodies “Gallery Takeover” at Whitechapel on 1 December.